Monday, November 21, 2016

Lintel & its Types

What is Lintel?
A lintel is a horizontal member which is placed across the openings like doors, windows etc. It takes the load coming from the structure aboveit and gives support. It is also a type beam, the width of which is equal to the width of wall, and the ends of which are built into the wall.
These are very easy to construct as compared to arches.Bearing of lintel:The bearing provided should be the minimum of following 3 cases.
i) 10 cm.
ii) Height of lintel beam
iii) 1/10thto 1/12th of span of the lintel.

Classification of lintels:Lintels are classified based on the material of construction as:
1. Timber
2. Stone
3. Brick
4. Steel
5. Reinforced Concrete

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